Exploring religion and its secrets

Horizon -"What is Reality" about quantum physics. 
Another program to watch is BBC - The story of science episode 2 of 6 "what is the world made of", in this episode it talks about if you remove all the empty space between atoms you can fit all the people on the planet into an object the size of a sugar cube. It also discuses spirits, apparitions, levitation towards the end. Here is the link for that. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1ik1zp This is also a fantastic presentation, called Ancient knowledge 7h 22m ouch 😉
Another good one - Inner world outer worlds. This is playlist of 4 episodes.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychonautics This is a Siberian Shaman called Tatiana. She uses the Amanita Muscaria mushroom to achieve an outer body experience. This is the mushroom which is hidden in plain sight in the Christian Christmas ritual.
The Christmas ritual– decoded
Magic mushrooms &Reindeer - Weird Nature - BBC animals
John Marco Allegro - Scholar of the dead sea Scrolls.
Jordan Maxwell - Mushrooms in the Bible
Symbolism of the mushroom hidden in Architecture etc.
Secrets of the Knights Templar.
The Origins of religion
The stoned ages - history of drug use
Stepping into the fire - Ayahuasca documentary
Shamans Of The Amazon (2002) - Dmt, Ayahuasca, Mckenna
The reality of truth
James Arthur : Mushrooms and Mankind
DMT - The spirit molecule
Dr Michael Persinger - Psychotropic drugs and nature of reality
Kaneh Bosm - The hidden history of Cannabis in the old testament
Another rabbit hole to explore - Sumerian Mythology, you have enough to feed your brain for now i'll give you one link.
NOTICE If you find a broken link please report it and i'll attempt to fix it. Thanks!

Law documentaries and related links

Title: The Corporation – Feature, Documentary from You tube channel: Encore +

It’s an illusion – John Harris from You tube Channel: AWResistance

Title: Rome, Amun, Egypt, Switzerland, Tyre, Venice, Black Nobility, Jesuits & More from You tube Channel: MrAstrotheology

Title: MUST WATCH!! Your Soul Is Owned By The Vatican – Santos Bonacci from You tube channel: Strawman Burneth

Title: ThinkFree Presents – The Magnificent Deception – Robert Menard from You tube channel: Sun2K

Title: Robert Menard – Bursting Bubbles of Government Deception (Entire) from You tube channel: Sun2K

Title: Strawman – The Nature of the Cage (OFFICIAL) from Youtube channel: The Nature Of The Cage

Title: The Occult World of Commerce – Jordan Maxwell and Whitney from You tube channel: cosmonoid1138

A Tour of London’s Inns of Court by You tube channel: Jack The Ripper Tour

Title: 30 Little Known Facts about America video by truthtrekker truth trekker from You tube Channel: truthtrekker

What is the Crown Corporation? from You Tube channel: SageOfQuay

A useful book by Veronica Chapman.

Click to access VeronicaChapman.pdf